Eche Munonye
In Africa and particularly Nigeria, gender equality has always been a pivotal topic that quantifies the coexistence psychologies of the people. However, it is very important to note that the latitude of expressing the rate at which gender equality or parity are viewed remains topical. This is why several organizations, basically the non-governmental ones come up with different strategies to device ways of balancing the equilibrium and straightening the fulcrum. One of such NGOs is Proactive Gender Initiatives.
The organization is hellbent in ensuring a sincere synergizing of relative gender parity in the entire African continent but as the popular saying goes “charity begins at home”, Proactive Gender Initiatives commenced it’s operations from Nigeria and has played vital role in engaging the wider populace to embrace gender equality. Obviously, the signs are written boldly as today’s women rate almost at par with their male folks in any walks of life. The acceptance of women into virtually, all seemingly male dominated sectors is overwhelmingly welcoming. This has greatly helped in empowering the women to know their statutory worths while also, forcing the men to stand on their feet. The level at which competitiveness between the male and female folks in high places are pointer to the fact that genuine gender parity Advocacy is working. This is suffice to say that Proactive Gender Initiatives has built a solidi structure of equality between the two genders.
Therefore, clinching the “Excellence in Advocacy Award” showcases the patriotic zeal of the organization in closing the gap in this crucial debate and broadening the scope of its discussants.