In a groundbreaking move, the Nigeria Climate Innovation Center (NCIC) has released a report titled “Beyond Green Taxes: Embracing the Circular Economy for Sustainable Plastic Waste Management in Nigeria.” This report critiques the proposed green tax on single-use plastics and champions a circular economy approach as a more effective and lasting solution.
Plastic waste pollution plagues Nigeria, jeopardizing public health, ecosystems, and overall well-being. The proposed green tax targets plastic production, import, and consumption to discourage plastic use and generate waste management funds.
However, the NCIC warns of potential downsides to the green tax, including job losses, disruptions in the existing plastic waste recycling system, and economic strain on low-income communities heavily reliant on waste picking for income.
NCIC proposes a circular economy model that prioritizes resource efficiency, reuse, and recycling. This strategy involves designing products with recyclability in mind; building and strengthening waste collection and recycling infrastructure and creating markets for recycled materials.
The NCIC report emphasizes the economic and social benefits of a circular economy for plastic waste management in Nigeria. First, it highlights the significant job creation potential in the recycling sector. New jobs would emerge in waste collection, sorting, processing, and manufacturing of recycled materials. This not only benefits the economy but also empowers individuals who might currently rely on informal waste picking for income.
Secondly, the report details the broader economic and environmental advantages. A thriving recycling industry stimulates economic activity by creating new businesses and reducing reliance on imported virgin plastic. This focus on resource efficiency extends to environmental benefits. Recycling conserves valuable natural resources and reduces the energy consumption associated with extracting and processing raw materials. Most importantly, by diverting plastic waste from landfills and the environment, a circular economy combats pollution and safeguards public health.
“While we recognize the urgency of addressing plastic pollution, green taxes pose a significant risk to our economy and communities. A circular economy presents a more sustainable and inclusive solution that tackles the root causes of plastic waste while generating jobs and propelling economic growth.” said Bankole Oloruntoba, CEO of the Nigeria Climate Innovation Center.
The NCIC report, which will be officially launched in few days’ time, offers a comprehensive analysis of Nigeria’s current plastic waste situation, the limitations of green taxes, and the compelling advantages of a circular economy. This includes in-depth research on the plastic waste problem and the economic potential of recycling; real-world examples of successful circular economy initiatives, both in Nigeria and internationally and clear recommendations for policymakers, businesses, and communities to embrace a circular economy approach.