Prophet Isaiah Wealth: Epitome of Selflessness and True Altruism
When philanthropy locates the supernatural, self ceases and altruism takes over. This is exactly what happens when a man of no mean repute undertakes to answer the call to sustainable ministration.
Prophet Isaiah Wealth, the General Overseer of Gospel Pillars International Churches, with Headquarters in Lagos, Nigeria and president of the Isaiah Wealth Ministries, was called to the ministry in 2004 while still an undergraduate.

Ever since, he’s not had cause to look back but have carved a niche for himself by rendering top notch and cutting edge humanitarian services. And though his ministry centres around revival of God’s power in the church and unity within the body of Christ, his passion to reach the lost with the gospel drives all his initiatives.
This Apostle of Grace and acclaimed Prophet of the Nations, has a history of philanthropy that cuts across race, tribe and religion, which he conducts through his Empowerment Network (NET).
Just like the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), he has set a benchmark, through The Isaiah Wealth Initiative (TIWI), to eradicate poverty by at least 50 per cent before 2030. This is a mission that is right in coming as the country is currently experiencing a serious economic crunch.
TIWI, we are meant to understand, intervenes in the areas such as health, education, and empowerment programmes through its seven NGOS, which caters for the less privileged and victims of natural disasters.
As one of the very few anointed men of God, set apart to reach the nations through supernatural gifts of prophecy, Prophet Wealth has served as a mentor to various mentees, both within and outside the shores of Nigeria, including his congregants.

He doubles up as both a Pastor and a Highly Sought-After Financial Advisor and his mentorship initiatives is said to have moved many into financial freedom and helped more in business development and strategy for wealth creation.
He established the Royalty Money Academy to train, equip and empower Christian entrepreneurs and businessmen to prosper in their various business endeavours, thereby positioning them to sponsor the gospel.
He is not one given to just mounting the pulpit to deliver oratory to his congregants, rather, his expository teachings, sandwiched with great illustrations and power of the Holy Ghost, has stood him out as one of the most outstanding revelators of the scriptures of this time.
As one of God’s Chosen Vessels, raised up in this generation to declare the word of God with great power and prophetic anointing, his passion to reach the lost with the Gospel drives all his initiatives, programmes, and efforts. This also includes the recently established OneSound Bible College, where he serves as Chancellor.
Not one of the indolent Men of God confined to their comfort zones, but an author of books, who has set a record as having contributed to the body of knowledge. Prophet Wealth is recorded to have authored nearly 100 books, including Prayer and Witnessing study course series, Church Growth, Church Finances and Pastoral Ministry, to mention a few.
He has also composed and recorded several songs including the famous ‘Jesus My Everything’, under his record label Mcube. The focus of his message and mission is to equip the individual believer in living and witnessing for the Lord.
He lives in Lagos, Nigeria where he also oversees the Pray Nigeria Movement (PNM), a nonpartisan organization that leverages on his connection with heaven to use prophecy in directing the conscience of the people and leaders towards righteousness, development, and national transformation.
Besides his NGOs that focus on economic empowerment for Nigerians, the Man of God also has an Apostolic ministry, Isaiah Wealth Ministries (IWM), which has a mandate to prepare the way, just like the Biblical John the Baptist, for the return of the Lord Jesus Christ.
Below is what is said about the IWM: “This ministry is working hard in motivating and preparing the individual believer to be involved in reaping the harvest of the last days. It runs several networks, programs and crusades backed with supernatural signs and wonders and the manifestation of the tangible glory of God.
“The ministry is active in church planting through its Mission Assisted Project (MAP), which has seen souls saved and established in the faith in over a hundred churches planted in four continents of the world, operating under the umbrella of Gospel Pillars Ministry. Through the network of churches and para-church activities, the ministry has the interest and trust of many who are standing by us every month as Higher Impact partners.”
The partnership, they said, is operated by the Higher Impact Vision – a team of professionals, who have the Gospel of Jesus Christ as their life priority. These also, are the founders of the Higher Impact Club (HIC), a club with the vision to empower believers in career, business and politics, with a view of Gospel expansion.
Just as has been mentioned previously, the outstanding revelatory grace given to Dr. Isaiah Wealth, has provided great resources that continue to be of immense blessings to the Body of Christ. The Devotional Box, an impact driven daily devotional with several specialized versions, has been in circulation for almost a decade. The ministry’s 24 hour TV network, Spirit & Bride Network, continues to impact many around the world with life-transforming programmes on Facebook and several other platforms.
Isaiah Wealth Ministries also operates the International Bible School and Seminary (IBSS), established to fulfill the mandate of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ in accordance with the admonition of Matthew 24:14.
It was his passion for the salvation of the unsaved that led to the establishment of IBSS, where he trains and equips believers with the understanding of God’s vision for their lives and helping them to take their place in God’s end time plan.
For several hundreds of Ministers who follow closely the ministry of Prophet Isaiah Wealth, through the International Christian Association of Ministers (ICAM), he provides them with mentorship with a view to building a growing network of gospel ministers unified in the body of Christ via truth, holiness and service.
Not many anointed Men of God are being set apart to reach the nations through the supernatural gift of prophecy as Prophet Isaiah Wealth whose ministry have over the years, witnessed the wonder working power of God evident in power packed prophecies, deliverance, liberation and salvation of souls.
His immense and invaluable contributions to the development of mankind attracted the attention of the Supreme Council of the Nigerian Book of Records Research Center, Abuja, a project of the Federal Ministry of Information and Culture, who inducted him into the Nigerian Book of Records.
Unlike the Guinness Book of Records, the Nigerian Book of Records recognises and immortalises Nigerians who have made remarkable achievements in their chosen professional callings to break the gaps between history and achievers in Nigeria.
Indeed, right thinking Nigerians are of the view that you are on tract and should maintain the pace.