Simple assessment of NGOs poverty reduction role in Nigeria
Nowadays, the important roles Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) play in eradicating rural poverty in Nigeria cannot be wished away. Nigeria brews with youthful population, milling all over the place. To be blunt, the reality of today’s Nigeria shows, these young adults would NOT have a life to be called their own if the NGOs are not there.
Indeed, the NGOs have appeared as the saviour of countless number of people without food, cloth, shelter let alone technical or vocational skills set.
According to statistics and experience, Nigeria is one of the top underprivileged countries when it comes to taking good care of its teeming youth. With the record of being one of the most densely populated country on earth yet feeble manpower competency, the nation is facing massive challenge to meet up the demands of her ever- increasing youth population. Hence, the NGOs cannot help but continue to play the role of catalyst in the attainment of sustainable economic growth and development by coming out in droves to empower the Nigerian youth especially in the rural areas with the required skills they need to succeed whether in paid job, self-employment or entrepreneurship.
Not-for-profit outfits have continued to impact lives with their innumerable activities and projects. They work based on the assessed needs and demands of the grassroots. By involving the beneficiaries directly, they are working within the context of overall national planning for development. In the NGO’s world, the target groups are basically the poor and vulnerable ones with hardly any technical skill to help them move from where they are to the safest haven, they have always dreamt to be.
Indeed, NGOs have driven positive youth development in and around Nigeria. Via their experience and partnerships, the have the perfect knowledge understanding of how to connect young people with hope, jobs, and a brighter future, irrespective of creed, race, tribe or gender.
However, like many good things of life, NGOs need support of all kinds to thrive. They cannot really thrive without donations and partnerships of individuals and the corporate bodies alike. Perhaps you are moved to invest in any capacity, always reach out to any NGO of your choice with whatever you can if at least to put some smiles back to the faces of the indigents.
Perhaps you are an NGO reading this, kindly contact the CSR Reporters team to help leverage the good works you have been doing for the good people of the areas you cover. Reach us immediately to help you go to town with all your CSR interventions.