Lack of empathy from management contributes to health negligence in the workplace --Wellness Expert, Toyin Taiwo
Toyin Taiwo, is the founder of the Charity, Feminine Health and Fibroid Hub, FHF Support Network. Birthed from her experience with fibroid, Taiwo vowed to support other women going through feminine health challenges. The Charity educates, empowers and nurtures women by addressing the conscious and unconscious biases women face.
Taiwo is an entrepreneur and experienced IT professional who seeks excellence and is passionate about achieving the purpose of God for her life. She enjoys facilitating initiatives to support others, whilst continuously seeking to collaborate with people of like minds.
In this chat, the Charity founder gives interesting perspectives to a variety of issues including burning wellness interests in the workplace. EXCERPTS:
What’s your reaction to how the next generation can be informed on issues relating to their health?
It is a great idea! Many young women are going through health issues, yet they are ignorant of it.
And sometimes when the health issues are diagnosed, it’s either too late, or critical.
Getting information and education to the younger generation using face2face events, social media platforms, and education and support networks in time to engage in prevention measures is fast becoming very essential to wellness.
What are the ways the next generation can thrive in balancing the female hormones, nutrition and lifestyle choices and the workplace dynamics for holistic wellness and success?
Education, Information, Community networks Engagement and campaigns and focusing on preventive measures and early diagnosis.
Leveraging on the experience of the older generation and learning to do and be better at sharing information, education and experiences.
As an advocate for healthy living and lifestyle, can you describe the features that contribute to health negligence in the workplace?
Lack of empathy and compassion. Also absence of proper organisational policies regarding employees’ health and safety.
Lack of health insurance covers and healthcare provision for employees. Most employers just want to see the work done. They are not concerned about the health or well-being of their employees.
I always say people are the assets in any business or organisation and must be treated right for the first maximum value. Also, a well-structured work culture lacking is a contributing factor.
Is hormone balancing necessary for holistic lifestyle and wellness in the workplace?
Yes, it is. As a woman, a well balanced hormone means wellness, hence better work engagement and productivity.
Your well-being affects all areas of your life and invariably work.
A woman who is healthy and well has a higher potential to bring her best self to work and give optimum performance for productivity.
With the present economic crisis and the hike in prices of foods and fruits, what strategies can be explored to have a fulfilled life?
Strategies could include budgeting and financial planning, meal planning, cooking more at home than eating out, exploring local or affordable food options, growing one’s food, focusing on food with high nutritional value; exercises and maintaining a work-life balance.
Lastly, what is the correlation between fibroid and hormone balancing?
Female hormones balancing play an important role in fibroid growth. It makes it possible to shrink fibroid with hormone therapy. Female hormones play an important role in fibroid growth.
An imbalance in hormones can affect the growth of fibroid. Too much estrogen can increase the risk for fibroid and make them worse.
Estrogen dominance is a real thing.
Estrogen dominance leads to overproduction of estrogen by the body, changes in estrogen metabolism and excretion, or an imbalance in the estrogen-to-progesterone ratio.
In women, high estrogen levels may cause irritability, fatigue, decreased sex drive, depression, or anxiety. Hormone therapy can be used to temporarily relieve heavy menstrual bleeding and period pain.